Build and Grow your creative business

Craftsman Creative helps creators, artists, and entrepreneurs make a living doing what they love.

Each week on the podcast we go deep on some aspect of the life and business of a creator, so that you can learn what it actually takes to shift your mindset from artist to business owner.

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Latest Episodes

You have an awareness problem | Episode 040

This week we're talking about Visibility, how to get more awareness for your business, get oversubscribed, and how to grow your business by getting more leads coming i...

Repeatable Outcomes Require Systems | Episode 039

Today we're talking about outcomes, both defining them and achieving them. You've got to know the destination before you design how to get there. We touch on outcomes ...

Improving Your Mindset as a Creative Entrepreneur | Episode 038

Today I've got three ideas to improve your Mindset as a creative entrepreneur. Subscribe to the Craftsman Creative podcast for ideas like this every week on how to gro...

Creating And Testing Your Product Ecosystem | Episode 037

In today's episode, we get into creating and testing your product ecosystem as a creative entrepreneur. You want alignment between products as well as the needs and de...

Email Marketing For Creative Entrepreneurs | Episode 036

Three ideas to help you improve your email marketing strategy for your business

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